Working closely with QIC facility managers, we were able to resolve existing issues while providing exceptional service and essential upgrades to reduce costs and increase efficiencies. Each building required their own innovative engineering solution including integrating a proprietary Lon system.
VAE installed a Niagara 4 Tridium System into each building – a powerful building management system (BMS), Tridium utilises the latest in open protocol technology and advanced visualisation.
The overall outcome includes a system that streamlines equipment diagnostics and ongoing preventive maintenance while reducing the overall cost of ownership. The Tridium Niagara Framework is the most advanced open protocol integration engine available on the market today. This provides the owner with the flexibility of choice: choice for life cycle replacement, choice for tenant upgrade works and choice for ongoing preventative maintenance. This ensures the building owner is not locked into one vendor.
The services VAE upgraded for QIC include HVAC, security, lighting, lifts and electrical integration.